Monday, April 29, 2019


We recently began discussing income inequality in America. We focused our first post on poverty
and who bears the most significant responsibility for attacking the problem of people in our society who don’t have enough for a respectable existence free of want. More recently, we identified and fleshed out barriers to freedom from poverty and income inequality. 

We look now at some of the policy reasons for the divide between those at the top and the rest of the population. A real gap exists between the wealthiest Americans and even the middle class, a circumstance producing anxiety and political instability that feeds our destructive partisan divide. In time, we’ll consider solutions and evaluate proposals offered by the 2020 presidential candidates and others. We think it important we help voters separate real, viable solutions from noise and platitudes.

The Depth of the Problem
We hear much about the “one percent” and how they’ve done better than everyone else.  The numbers tell a disturbing
story of a growing wealth gap in the United States. According to a report by scholars associated with the Roosevelt Institute, since 1980, the share of national income earned by the top 1% doubled, to 20% in 2014, up from 10%. That hasn’t happened in all western democracies. In Denmark, for example, the 1%’s share went up only from 5% to 6%. 

Governmental policies and actions affecting both the top and bottom parts of the economy contribute. At the top, reductions in tax rates gave the wealthy a windfall.  At the bottom, policies negatively affecting wages and job growth suppressed lower income individuals.

Most “tax reform” has benefited upper income tax payers, including the 2017 tax bill the Trump administration touts as its major achievemet. In the
1980s, the top marginal tax rate dropped from 70% to 28% and has remained below 40% since. Capital gains tax changes also heavily favored the wealthy, with 65% of the benefits going to the top 20% of tax payers. More than lower tax rates help the wealthy. Half of tax expenditures – deductions for 401K retirement accounts, mortgages, and the like – go for things from which only the top 20% of tax payers benefit.

Meantime, 80% of job growth has come in low wage service and retail jobs. Worker power through collective bargaining decreased as union membership declined. In 1960, 30% of U.S. workers participated in unions. That dropped to 20% in 1984 and to just over 11 % in 2014. Wages and other compensation stagnated with this development, rising only 19 % between 1973 and 2013, despite a 161% increase in worker productivity. 
Government Complicity
Politicians of all ideological stripes like saying government shouldn’t “pick winners and losers” in the economy. Fair enough as a theory, but the idea does not comport with reality or history. In addition to tax policy, government has long been in the business of picking economic winners and losers. Start, for example, with the racially discriminatory housing policies so devastatingly described by Richard Rothstein in his path breaking book The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. We exhaustively detailed Professor Rothstein’s findings in a series of posts in 2018 and need not repeat them here in making the point that many governmental agencies frequently pick economic winners and losers. 

The Federal Reserve’s hyper focus on fighting inflation has had the same kind of effect. By tightening the money supply through higher interest rates at the first sign of upward price pressure, the Fed has stopped or reduced the job creating opportunities of large and small businesses and stymied start-up activity by making credit less available. Most progressive economists agree this made returning to full employment slower and more difficult, particularly impacting lower wage earners who have more difficulty insulating themselves from the whims of the business cycle. 

Then there’s the matter of the federal minimum wage. It stands now at $7.25 per hour and hasn’t gone up since July 2009. Opponents of a
higher federal minimum wage, mostly  Republicans, argue raising it kills jobs, despite evidence to the contrary developed by economists like Columbia’s Joseph Stiglitz, a leading income inequality scholar. Whatever the reality on that issue, keeping the minimum wage low disadvantages a large segment of the American economy, giving employers a victory and wage earners a loss. No basis exists for arguing the government hasn’t had a major role in creating our current measure of income inequality.  

Income inequality exists for many reasons. Some are purely political, like the election of Ronald Reagan and implementation of his tax cuts in the 1980s. Some emanated from fears based on historical events. The inflation of the 1970s, partly sparked by upheavals in international energy markets, helped start the Federal Reserve on its anti-inflation crusade. Some have roots in personal greed, “rent seeking” as economists call the efforts of manipulative players in the economy who extract financial advantage through exploitation.

The reasons for income inequality bring into play a variety of individual and societal factors. The good news is that more people, including some running for president, now think we should do something about the problem. We see paying attention to them in the coming months as a good idea.                    

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